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Writer's pictureErington Boyd


I remember when I finally made the decision to start my business. I had been thinking about it for many years. I have stray notes, notebooks, and computer notes of all my ideas over the past few years. Now I reached a point where I felt I was ready. So, I started the process of registering my business on, started a website, ordered business cards, drafted a few contracts, and started on my business plan. It felt good to get started. I was proud of myself because this is the furthest, in the many attempts, I have gone to start my business.

Let’s back track for a bit. I am a new mom, wife, have a corporate career, and now added starting a business to my plate. I know I am not the only one, in my position, who has thought, how am I going to do this. How am I going to maintain what I already have and pursue my dreams? If you are anything like me, you probably have written a plan out over and over, over analyze this plan, felt inadequate, unsure, and flat out scared. Truth is those are all normal feelings to have. There is nothing I can say to ease that part of the process. You just must, as Steve Harvey would say, JUMP!

Back to the matter at hand. As I stated before I was proud of the success, I had made in moving things along. I also began making small investments, such as buying a new computer and investing in new computer software. For a moment, I was living in blissfulness, then life quickly reminded me of all my prior responsibilities that all needed my attention now. The good traction I had going had to take a pause. And this is where most people get tripped up, start realizing starting a business is going to require a lot more than they initially thought, it becomes overwhelming and then they quit. I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. But before you began anything in life that is worth your time and effort you want to start with YOU first.

There are levels to becoming a solid business man or woman. It starts even before you get the “big idea”. Being a business owner is one thing, but before you become the owner you must become business minded. Being a businessman or woman is a mindset that enables you to look at the world around you and see problems, view them as opportunities, and turn those opportunities into great businesses.

Here are a few mindsets to begin with to train your inner self and develop your business mind.

1. The Work =Work on becoming the best version of yourself every day. This is the most crucial and the hardest part of the process. Working on yourself require a deep level of introspective and emotional awareness of oneself. At this stage is where you take inventory of you and examine your thoughts thought out the day. Pay attention to your highs and lows and what triggers them.

2. Transition = After you have done the work on yourself, the next phase is the transition moment. In today’s language you might here terms such as “cut-off” or “no new friends”. While that may seem a bit brut, it is necessary to do. You want to pay close attention to your current network so you can make room for a new network.

3. Laying the Foundation = In this phase you are going to spend a lot of time. Focus + Grit, + Commitment + Perseverance + Repetition is what is going to take to lay the foundation that will ultimately build over time. In this phase you are going to be faced with many new experiences, some good, some great, others not so good or great. But sticking to those listed is what will carry you through those experiences on your journey. No one is exempt from experiencing what I call the life cycle to entrepreneurship, but how respond to the cycle will effective your progress to entrepreneurship.

4. Build the Foundation = I am sure you are familiar with the phrase “fake it until you make it”. In today’s world, with the development of technology it is easier to do now than ever. I highly do not recommend. Characteristics such as having integrity, professionalism, customer care/service, honesty, are all still perceived as high value in the eyes of the people. As your build your business keep in mind to do so putting your best foot forward every single day. It takes mental toughness to do “good” daily. Especially in the face of challenges.

5. Leveling= By this time you have laid and have built your foundation. You have some experience and are now really feeling like a true entrepreneur/business owner. This is where you are leveling up to the next episode. You want to start bringing your full awareness to your current business circumstances as well as your personal circumstances. A different kind of investment needs to be considered and that is your people skills and leadership. Once you reach this phase, you really began to chart your own path. Taking the time to invest in establishing key relationships with other prominent leaders, become knowledgeable about your business and its industry will be key to your leveling growth. At this level a real impact in the community you serve will take fold.

As you can see in each of the 5 phases some level of “you” is constantly growing and developing. Keep that at the forefront of your mind through your journey will prepare you for what’s yours to come.

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